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Adjust image brightness & contrast


Adjust and modify image brightness and contrast

Input Ports

Name dataType sourceType required description
Image path text link-manual true The path to the image that you want to adjust
Adjusted image path text link-manual false The path to where the adjusted image should be saved
Brightness text link-manual true The brightness level of what the image should be adjusted to from -1 to 1
Contrast text link-manual true The contrast level of what the image should be adjusted to from -1 to 1


  • The user wants to adjust an image brightness by 0.2
  • The user wants to adjust an image contrast by 0.2

Use case


  • Image path: D:\Original.jpeg
  • Adjusted image path: D:\Adjusted.jpeg
  • Brightness: 0.2
  • Contrast: 0.2
Experienced tips
  • If you do not specify the Image path, the process will stop and provide you with the following error. Path to image is required
  • If you do not specify the Adjusted image path the process will overwrite your original image using the Image path
Search Tags

Change contrast of image Change brightness of image