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Append text to text-list


Adds text input to the end of text-list input

Input Ports

Name dataType sourceType required description
Text value text link-manual true The text value that will be added to the end of the text-list
Text list value text-list link-manual false The text-list that will receive the new text value at the end of the list

Use cases

  • The user wants to append a new text value at the end of the original text-list

Appending text value to list

Text value Text list New text list
Jack Russel Boer Boel Boer Boel
French Poodle French Poodle
Jack Russel

Use case


  • Text value: Jack Russel
  • Text-List: [Boer Boel, French Poodle]
Experienced tips
  • If the text value is empty, the process will continue and not append any new value to the text-list
  • If the text value contains a value and the text-list is empty, the process will continue and append the text value to a new text-list


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Add a text value to a text-list