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Convert long-text to case


Converts the long-text value to a specific choice of case type

Input Ports

Name dataType sourceType required description
Case operation text manual-only true The case you want to convert the long-text value to
long-text values long-text link-manual true The long-text value you want converted to the selected case


  • The user has a long text value and wants to convert the case of the text to lowercase.
  • The user has a long text value and wants to convert the case of the text to uppercase.
  • The user has a long text value and wants to convert the case of the text to constantcase.
  • The user has a long text value and wants to convert the case of the text to camelcase.
  • The user has a long text value and wants to convert the case of the text to snakecase.
  • The user has a long text value and wants to convert the case of the text to pathcase.
  • The user has a long text value and wants to convert the case of the text to sentencecase.
  • The user has a long text value and wants to convert the case of the text to dotcase.
  • The user has a long text value and wants to convert the case of the text to paramcase.

Use case


  • Text list value: Lower
  • Long-text values: This Value Contains Upper Case Words
Experienced tips
  • If the long-text value is empty, the process will stop and provide you with the following error. [] does not have a method named "operation"


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convert long-text value to a case long text and text value