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Take data-list


Takes a section of data-list from start input to end input positions

Input Ports

Name dataType sourceType required description
Start position number link-manual false The starting row to take from the data-list
End position number link-manual false The last row to take from the data-list
Data rows data-list link-manual true The data-list that rows will be taken from regarding the 2 positions specified


  • The user wants all the rows in the data-list
  • The user wants all the rows from the starting position 2
  • The user wants all the rows until the end position 3
  • The user wants the rows from the starting position 2 and the ending position 3

Use case


  • Start position: 0
  • End position: 2
  • Data rows:
    • Fields:
    • Values:
Experienced tips
  • If the start and end positions are empty, the process will continue and provide you with the entire data-list
  • If the start position are empty, but the end position is specified, the process will continue and provide you with the rows that are less and equal to the end position
  • If the end position are empty, but the start position is specified, the process will continue and provide you with the rows that are greater and equal to the start position


Search Tags

take specified rows from data-list