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Press OS mouse button


Presses and holds the mouse at either the input position or current position if input position is not provided

Input Ports

Name dataType sourceType required description
Mouse button text manual-only true Option between the left and right mouse button.
X, Y position link-manual false Allows you to specify the position the mouse should be pressed.
Offset X, Y position link-manual false The offset allows you to add x and y values to the current position.


  • The user wants to press the left mouse button at position x: 310 and y: 420
  • The user wants to press the right mouse button at position x: 310 and y: 420

Use case


  • Button: Left
  • X: 310
  • Y: 420
  • Offset X: 20
  • Offset Y: 30
Experienced tips
  • If the Button is not chosen, the default will be the left mouse button.
  • If no target coordinates are specified, the mouse button will be pressed at position 0,0.
Search Tags

press mouse button on targeted coordinates hold down