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Load URL


Load a URL on the current page or the URL of an iframe within

Input Ports

Name dataType sourceType required description
URL text link-manual true The destination of the page that the user wants to load
iFrame selector text link-manual false If the element is inside of an iframe, it is mandatory to specify the iframe selector, otherwise the element won’t be found
iFrame type text manual-only false The type of the targeted iFrame
Timeout number link-manual true When the element is not in the chosen state after x seconds, the program will throw a timeout error. Timeout works in milliseconds, 6000 = 6 seconds
Delay number link-manual false The amount of time the command is delayed by


  • The user wants to load a URL on the current page or the URL of an iframe within

Use Case


  • URL:
  • iFrame selector: body > iframe
  • iframe type: Nested
  • Timeout: 3000 ms
  • Delay: 1000 ms
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