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PUT Request


Creates a delete request to a rest service

Input Ports

Name dataType sourceType required description
Request URL text link-manual true The path to the rest service
Headers dataItem link-manual false Headers are an important part of the API request and response as they represent the meta-data associated with the API request and response.
Body dataItem link-manual false a Body payload that will be processed by the targeting rest service
Header options
Type Description
Authorization Carries credentials containing the authentication information of the client for the resource being requested.
WWW-Authenticate This is sent by the server if it needs a form of authentication before it can respond with the actual resource being requested. Often sent along with a response code of 401, which means ‘unauthorized’.
Accept-Charset This is a header which is set with the request and tells the server about which character sets are acceptable by the client.
Content-Type Indicates the media type (text/html or text/JSON) of the response sent to the client by the server, this will help the client in processing the response body correctly.
Cache-Control This is the cache policy defined by the server for this response, a cached response can be stored by the client and re-used till the time defined by the Cache-Control header.
  • If the service requires a JWT Token to authenticate, you are required to specify the Authotization header value with a Bearer token.
Body parameters
  • To update a row inside of the database, you are required to specify the id inside of the Body parameters.


  • The user wants to update a row with an id of 2 in a database using a servers rest service

Use case


  • Request URL: https://example/api
  • Headers:
  • Body:
Experienced tips
  • If the rest service is public, it is not required to specify the JWT token inside of the Headers
  • It is required to specify the id of the targeting row that you want to delete inside of the Body
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Updates a row with a rest request