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Extract text from image


Uploads an image to the server, runs OCR on the image and outputs the text extracted.

Input Ports

Name dataType sourceType required description
Image path text link-manual true The path to the image that needs to be detected
Language text manual-only true Option to detect English, Chinese or Russian from the targeted image


  • The user wants to extract all the english text that exist inside of an image
  • The user wants to extract all the chinese text that exist inside of an image
  • The user wants to extract all the russian text that exist inside of an image

Use case


  • Image path: D:\example.png
  • Language: English
Experienced tips
  • If you do not specify an Image path, the process will stop and provide you with the following error. The "path" argument must be of type string. Received type object
  • If the image could not be found, the process will stop and provide you with the following error. ENOENT: no such file or directory


Search Tags

Detect text from image