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Run Macro


You are able to start and stop a macro on a targeted machine, only one macro can be executed at a time. The commands inside of a macro is being queued on the targeted machine. A machine is required before you can start the macro.

Robot offline

  • Sometimes you might find that the machine goes offline for a moment during execution, this is becuase of the machines resources are being depleted and the connection between the server and machine are disconnected until the resources are available again. The macro will still complete the process.

Assign Robot to macro

  1. Open the macro
  2. Open the run tab by clicking on the play button
  3. Click on the button Select robot for Run
  4. Select your robot
  5. Click Continue
  6. You will see the robot selected
  7. Click on the green play button to run your macro

Disable run stream

If your process is very large and working without any issues, you can disable the stream to save some resources during execution. The stream are for debugging purposes to analyse your process in a more depth detail.

  1. Open the Macro
  2. Open the run tab by clicking on the play button
  3. Click the bell-slash button to disable the stream data