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When any match


Runs the continue trigger when any of the input operations are true

Input Ports

Name dataType sourceType required description
Field operations key-list manual-only false The key and operation that will happen between the key value and key predicate value


  • The user wants to determine if the key text value are equals to the key predicate value
  • The user wants to determine if the key text value are not equals to the key predicate value.
  • The user wants to determine if the key text value contains the key predicate value
  • The user wants to determine if the key text value does not contain the predicate value
  • The user wants to determine if the key text value is empty
  • The user wants to determine if the key text value is not empty
  • The user wants to determine if the key number value is equals to the key predicate value
  • The user wants to determine if the key number value is not equals to the key predicate value
  • The user wants to determine if the key number value is greater than the key predicate value
  • The user wants to determine if the key number value is greater than or equals to the key predicate value
  • The user wants to determine if the key number value is less than the key predicate value
  • The user wants to determine if the key number value is less than or equals to the key predicate value
  • The user wants to determine if the key number value is empty
  • The user wants to determine if the key number value is not empty
  • The user wants to determine if the key number value is even
  • The user wants to determine if the key number value is odd
  • The user wants to determine if the key predicate number value is a multiple of the key value
  • The user wants to determine if the key long-text value are equals to the key predicate value
  • The user wants to determine if the key long-text value are not equals to the key predicate value.
  • The user wants to determine if the key long-text value contains the key predicate value
  • The user wants to determine if the key long-text value does not contain the key predicate value
  • The user wants to determine if the key long-text value is empty
  • The user wants to determine if the key long-text value is not empty

Use case

When all Match Command

With operation ports

When all Match Command with ports

  • Condition name: category
  • Condition data-type: text
  • Logic operation: equals
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Run a process with when logic Trigger different process If else or logic gate