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Click browser keyboard key


Clicks keyboard keys in the order of your choosing.

Input Ports

Name dataType sourceType required description
Typing Speed text manual-only true The speed the agent will be typing the text.
Keys textList manual-only true The keys the browser will click with the amount of times you choose and with a delayed interval of your choosing between each click.


  • The user wants to target a specific web element and the element will always be on a specific position when the web page loaded, the user sets the first key to Tab 4 times with 1 millisecond of a delay between each click and then sets the second key to click enter 1 time, this will set the focus on the element the user targets and triggers the event the element provides.

Use case

It is required to make use of the Launch web browser command.


  • Typng speed: normal
  • selected Keys: [Tab, 4, 1, Enter, 1, 1]
Experienced tips
  • You cannot have combo keys here, because you can only click the button using this command, click means that it presses and releases the button directly.
  • The keyboard click does not target a specific element in the webpage, so if you type in keys like A, B and C, those text will then be entered into the current focused element, if no input element is focused, you won't see anything happen.
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Click keys browser keys browser keyboard press and release