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Calculate number-list


Perform aggregate math operations on input subject number-list to calculate output number value

Input Ports

Name dataType sourceType required description
Operation text manual-only true The operation on the number-list
Subject number-list link-manual true The number list used inside of the operation


  • The user wants the sum of all the numbers inside of the subject list
  • The user wants the average between all the numbers inside of the subject list
  • The user wants the minimum number of all the numbers inside of the subject list
  • The user wants the maximum number of all the numbers inside of the subject list

Use case


  • Operation: Sum
  • Subejct: [20, 30, 40, 5, 12]
Experienced tips
  • If the subject number-list is empty, the process will continue and provide you with the value of 0
Search Tags

Perform math operations on a list of numbers get the maximum and minimum number inside a list