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Fetch emails


Connects to an imap server and fetches an amount of emails you specified starting from your latest emails from a specified email folder. E.g, 'inbox'

Input Ports

Name dataType sourceType required description
Host text link-manual true The host address of the mail server
Port text link-manual true The port number of the mail server, usually 587 or 993
Username text link-manual true The user name of the account
Password text link-manual true The password of the account
Folder text link-manual true The folder you want to access
Amount number link-manual false The amount of emails you want fetched


  • The user wants to fetch 20 emails inside of the inbox folder from their personal account using their own email server

Use case


  • Host: or email.domain.type
  • Port: 587 or 993
  • Username:
  • Password: *****
  • Folder: inbox
  • Amount: 20
Experienced tips
  • If you do not specify an email server Host address, the process will stop and provide you with the following error. connect ECONNREFUSED
  • If you do not specify an email server Port number, the process will continue and use the default port number of 587
  • If you specify an incorrect email server Port number, the process will stop and provide you with the following error. connect ETIMEDOUT ***.***.**.**:588
  • If the username or password is incorrect, the process will stop and provide you with the following error. Invalid login: 535 Incorrect authentication data


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Fetch emails from email server