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Merge number-lists


Merges two number-lists into one

Input Ports

Name dataType sourceType required description
Subject number-list number-list link-manual true The first number-list that will be inside of the merged number-list
Predicate number-list number-list link-manual true The second number-list that will be inside of the merged number-list


  • The user wants to merge 2 number-lists

Use case


  • Subject number-list: [1, 3, 5, 10]
  • Predicate number-list: [2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9]
Experienced tips
  • If the Subject number-list are empty, the process will continue and provide you with the Predicate number-list as the Next number-list
  • If the Predicate number-list are empty, the process will continue and provide you with the Subject number-list as the Next number-list
  • If the Subject and Predicate number-list are empty, the process will continue and provide you with an empty number-list


Search Tags

Merge 2 number-lists