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Download file on web element click


Downloads a file by clicking a web element and saving the response to the roboteur downloaded folder.

Input Ports

Name dataType sourceType required description
Element selector text link-manual true The element that should be waited for until it reached a specific state
iFrame selector text link-manual true If the element is inside of an Iframe, it is mandatory to specify the iframe selector, otherwise the element won’t be found
iFrame type text manual-only false Option to add more iframes if the targeted element exists in a nested iframe
File name text link-manual true The name of the file that will be downloaded


  • The user wants to download a file from a website by clicking on a button that directly downloads the file.

Use case

It is required to make use of the Launch web browser command.


  • Element selector: body > p:nth-child(2) > a
  • iFrame selector: not supported
  • iFrame type: single
  • File name: example.png
Search Tags

download file on click