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Drag browser mouse


Drags the browser mouse starting at the input position from and ending at the position to.

Input Ports

Name dataType sourceType required description
Mouse Button text manual-only true Drag the element using the mouses left click.
Position From position link-manual false Where the mouse should move to before it is pressed.
Position To position link-manual false Where the mouse should move to before its released.


  • The user wants to drag a web element from one point to another using the left mouse button.
  • The user wants to drag a web element from one point to another using the right mouse button.

Use case

It is required to make use of the Launch web browser command when using this command.


  • Button: Left
  • Position from X: 300
  • Position from Y: 240
  • Position to X: 20
  • Position to Y: 30
Experienced tips
  • If the Button is not chosen, the default will be the left mouse button.
  • If no target coordinates are specified, the mouse button will be pressed at position X: 0, Y: 0 and dragged to the position to coordinates.
  • If the macro finishes before the web page have finished loaded, make use of Wait for Web Element command.
Search Tags

click in browser on targeted coordinates press and release browser mouse button