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Filter text-list


Filters a text-list by matching text

Input Ports

Name dataType sourceType required description
Operation text manual-only true The operation that you want to happen between the predicate number value and the value of the text-list
Predicate text link-manual false The value that should be used when filtering the text-list
Text list value text-list link-manual true The text-list that should be filtered using the operation and predicate value


  • The user wants to filter a text-list with the equals operation and a predicate of Jack
  • The user wants to filter a text-list with the not equals operation and a predicate of Jack
  • The user wants to filter a text-list with the contains operation and a predicate of Jack
  • The user wants to filter a text-list with the not contains operation and a predicate of Jack
  • The user wants to filter a text-list with the empty operation and a predicate of Jack
  • The user wants to filter a text-list with the not empty operation and a predicate of Jack

Use case


  • Operation: Equals
  • Predicate: Jack
  • Text-list value: [Jack, Boer, French, Duck, Fox]
Experienced tips
  • If the Text list value are empty, the process will continue and provide you with an text number-list
  • If the operation is false on every iteration, the process will continue and provide you with an empty text-list
  • If the operation is contains, the process will return everything that contains the predicate value


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Filter number-list with predicate value