Api endpoint
When you create a record store, you are also creating a rest service within the Roboteur server that allows you to get and insert records with a rest request using a tool like postman.
Get JWT Token
Make a request to our servers authentication
api to get a token.
Example JWT Token
"accessToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6ImFjY2VzcyJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE2MzA2NzA4NTcsImV4cCI6MTYzMTI3NTY1NywiYXVkIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly95b3VyZG9tYWluLmNvbSIsImlzcyI6ImZlYXRoZXJzIiwic3ViIjoiZWIyNmUxN2YtZjk1OS00MWIzLTk2ZTYtZTRiY2MyMjcwM2I2IiwianRpIjoiMWE4ZjY3MGItMGRmNS00NDM3LWEzNzEtZGE1ZjUzN2MxYjlmIn0.ug5G7iOYQb8LfvDUAhgBVcoIB6EsW7O720Hky0rPeYc"
Any request requires a JWT Token to authenticate with the server and to successfully make the request.
Get the storage Id
Make a get request to the shape-storage
api to get the list of created record-stores and get the _id
of the record store you would like to get records of.
https://roboteur.co.uk/api/shape-storage/?name=user accounts&$limit=1000&$sort[createdAt]=-1
Get a record or a record list in a targeted record store
Make a get request to the record store using the storageId
Create a record in a targeted record store
Make a post request to the record store.